July 5, 2016




Experience Care4Africa

Experience Tanzania

Experience Kenia

Experience HEALKids

Experience Cambodia & Indonesia

Experience Child Surgery Vietnam

Experience Paadhai

Experience Isaï Ma(i)yam




Wow, what beautiful location with many special and beautiful animals. On the edge of the jungle, the Wanicare foundation is located. Wanicare is a Dutch foundation which is supporting the Cikananga wildlife rescue center. 

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The Kolewa foundation

When a young girl (Heldi), burned by an exploding oil lamp, has no life for 12 years because she was rejected by the family, it breaks your heart. Shy and timid they found Heldi in a poorer part of Indonesia.

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Tañon Strait - BDM

We visited the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BDM) and RARE to discover the largest protected seascape of the Philippines. The Biodiversity Manamagent Bureau focuses on maintaining and enhancing the biodiversity in the Philippines.

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Start of Care4Needs

We booked a ticket to the Philippines. We want to give the country, people, and beautiful things we experience while traveling, something in return. In this blog we’ll describe the beginning of our own project: Care4Needs.

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Fish forever with RARE

RARE (an NGO) is implementing the program "Fish Forever" in the Tañon Strait. With this program they stimulate sustainable fishing and they are helping the fishermen to look for alternative livelihoods during the closed season.

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National Children's Hospital

Our first destination was the National Children's hospital (NCH) in Manila, a hospital for poor children. During our visit, we have seen shocking and beautiful things. With a lump in our throat we walked through the hospital.

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